Sunday, 21 December 2014

Effective Glaucoma Surgery in Mumbai

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a condition that causes harm to your eye's optic nerve and became dangerous when kept untreated. It is frequently connected with the development of  pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma has a tendency to be inherited and may not appear until the desired time.

The created pressure which is called as the intraocular pressure, can harm the optic nerve. This optic nerve is responsible for the transmission of images to the brain. If this damage to the optic nerve due to the pressure continues, the glaucoma can leads to the permanent vision loss of the patient. So without treatment glaucoma can lead to total blindness within a few years.

About 50% of the people with glaucoma doesn't show any early indications or pain due to this pressure. So every one should see an eye doctor regularly as possible since this can diagnose glaucoma at its early stage and thus can avoid the danger of losing the vision permanently.

If you are a diabetic patient or have an family history of glaucoma, then the chances for getting glaucoma is very high. So its better for those persons to undergo a comprehensive eye checkup.

Krishna Eye Center in Mumbai is one of the famous hospital providing high quality Glaucoma Surgery in Mumbai.

Causes of Glaucoma:

  • Glaucoma can be caused if you are aged over 40.
  • It can be caused as hereditary.
  • It can be caused due to diabetes.
  • It can also happen due to the use of steroids.
  • Due to any early damage to the eyes.

Symptoms of Glaucoma:

  • Visibility of halos while looking to lights.
  • Loss of vision.
  • Eyes colour changes to red.
  • Eyes became cloudy.
  • Vomiting tendency.
  • Eye pain.
  • Vision seems to be narrowed.

Diagnosis of Glaucoma:

  • Measuring the intra-ocular pressure by the method known as Applanation Tonometry.
  • Checking the corneal thickness by Pachymetry.
  • Optic disc is viewed by Ophthalmoscopy.
  • To evaluate the changes happened in the optic disc by using Fundus camera.
  • Mapping the functioning of optic nerve by the evaluation of the vision of each eye by using Visual Field Test.
  • To find out the early damages of the nerve fibers by using OCT.
  • Glaucoma type can be found out by using the Gonioscopy.

For more details about glaucoma CLICK HERE
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Saturday, 6 December 2014

High Quality Squint Treatment at Affordable cost in Mumbai

 What is Squint?

Squint is an eye disorder which results in the misalignment of eyes. Due to this problem both the eyes will not look like the same. Because of this there will occur other serious problems also. This may vary in accordance with the individuals. Now a days this disorder became common in children, but it is also seen in adults.

Krishna Eye Center, Mumbai which is having the best Hospital Infrastructure in Mumbai provides a high quality treatment for Squint at an affordable rate. This hospital is also famous for its well known Pediatric Ophthalmologist in India.

Squint in Children

Squint is now mostly seen in children

  • Squint in children is considerable only if the child is more than 2 months since the eyes of a newborn baby is rarely aligned during the first 2 months.
  • Squint damages the vision of the child.
  • Squint have to be treated at its early stage itself, otherwise it leads to losing of vision.
  • If the child grows with squint then regaining of lost vision become difficult.

What Leads to Squint?

The factors that may leads to Squint are

  • In some cases squint may occurs without any reasons.
  • Sometimes squint may occur hereditary.
  • Some infections in eyes may cause squint.
  • Other disorders like retinal diseases, tumors, glaucoma, cataract and optic nerve  diseases may sometimes leads to squint.
  • Due to weakening of eye muscles this misalignment takes place.
  • One of the major reason for squint is the abnormal impulses received by the eye muscles.
  • This may be also caused because of refractive errors.

Symptoms of Squint

The Symptoms shown by the effected persons are

  • Misalignment of the eyes.
  • Sometimes the effected ones will close the effected eye on looking to the sunlight.
  • In the case of children, they tilt and turn their heads for co-ordinating the vision through both eyes.
  • Double vision is another symptom shown by the effected persons in some cases.

Treatment for Squint

Squint can be treated according to the way of happening.

  • In some cases Squint will be due to refractive errors. In such case Non-surgical Treatment like use of spectacles is enough.
  • In other cases Surgical Treatment is suggested, which includes 3 steps : Vision Regaining, Alignment of Eyes, Binocular vision rectification.

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Saturday, 8 November 2014

Affordable Cost Eye Treaments for Children in Mumbai

When light rays from a distant object do not come to a focus on the retina, the image of the object appears blurred and the condition is called Ametropis.

When the size of the eyeball is longer than normal, these light rays are focused in front of the retina. This is Myopia or short sightedness. This can be corrected by concave lenses as spectacles or contact lenses.
When the size of the eyeball is shorter than normal, these light rays are focused behind the retina. This is Hypermetropia or long sightedness. This can be corrected by convex lenses as spectacles or contact lenses.
A normal eye has spherical cornea in all its meridians. When the cornea is steeper of flatter in any of its axii it gives rise to Astigmatism. This is corrected by cylindrical lenses as spectacles or toric contact lenses.
Parents should encourage the sporting activities and provide a balanced diet rich in vegetables, milk products, salad, fruits and avoid junk food to maintain good eye health and overall health of their children.
Amblyopia is commonly known as lazy eye. This should not be confused with squint. Amblyopia is poor vision in an eye that could not develop normal sight during early childhood.
At the age of eight years, the development of the part of the brain that processes vision is almost complete. If the brain has not received clear images from the weak eye, it starts neglecting this eye. The eye is then said to be amblyopic or lazy as the vision does not develop.

  • Refractive errors such as Short Sightedness, Long Sightedness or Astigmatism.
  • Large difference in spectacle powers between the two eyes.
  • Strabismus or squint.
  • Obstruction of vision by droopy eyelid, cataract or other diseases.
Successful treatment depends on how severe the Amplyopia is and the age of the child when treatment begins. If the problem is detected early, successful treatment is possible and treatment time is shorter, if it is detected after the age of 8 years the success rate will be low.
The child should be encouraged to wear his or her spectacles as much as possible throughout his waking hours if he or she is being treating for Amblyopia.
The treatment consists of patching the GOOD EYE, so that the affected eye is made to work and the child is encouraged to see with it. It requires a tremendous amount of co-operation and understanding by the parents.
..Pharmacological treatment
Sometimes we prescribe some medications to help the amblyopic eye see well.

Squint or crossed eye is a condition where both eyes do not move together. One eye deviates either inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards while the other eye remains straight. It may also be alternating between the two eyes. Refractive errors are the most common causes of the squint, the other being lazy eye, nerve or muscle weaknesses and injury.
Management of squint requires a combination of glasses, exercises and surgery. Surgery may be needed in one eye or both eyes depending upon the squint, essentially it is a combination of loosing or tightening of eye muscles.
It is important to correct squint as it can lead to deep Amblyopia and psychological problems in children, loss of binocular vision, and loss of depth perception. Many simple activities like threading a needle, ability to understand the depth of staircase or liquids in a glass and functioning on a microscope become difficult.

Normally the tears are formed by the tear glands in the eyes and are drained off through two holes in the corners of the eyelids called punctae into the nose through a duct. The entire drainage system is called as Nasolacrimal duct system. Sometimes there can be a block at any level, at the punctum or in the ducts which may fail to open after birth resulting in persistent watering or discharge from the eyes. If left unattended this can lead to infection and painful swelling near the bridge of the nose.
70 to 80% of times the duct opens on its own time. Massaging the tear ducts is important to open the ducts. Massaging is done with the thumb or the forefinger, the stroke is to be firm and in the direction from the eyes to the nose downwards and inwards.
If massaging fails a wire probe might need to be passed through the duct forcing it to open. This is done under anesthesia or sedation in small children.
..Lacrimal Duct Surgery
If the above methods fail to open the blocked ducts, surgery is recommended in children above 1 year of age. The surgery is done under general anesthesia.

Cataract can affect a child as young as a new born baby. Cataract in children cause severe damage to the development of vision and needs to be treated as an emergency.
There are various causes of cataract in children like hereditary, genetic, infectious, metabolic, eye injuries etc. It is not possible to ascertain the cause in every child.
However, sometimes investigations are needed to find the cause as they have a big impact on child's life span and future quality of life.
What is the treatment for Cataract?
  • The treatment of cataract in a child is usually by surgery at the earliest.
  • Cataract surgery in a child is totally different as compared to a cataract surgery in adults. There are many issues that are to be dealt with in a different manner in terms of examination as well as surgeries.
ROP is a disease affecting the retina of premature infants. Very often premature babies are kept in tents of hyperbaric oxygen until they become fit to breath normally. The incidence of ROP is on a rise, this is due to improved survival rates of very low birth weight and extremely premature infants. The hyperbaric oxygen instigates the growth of abnormal vessels from the retina. The key disease element in ROP is growth of abnormal blood vessels with increased risk of bleeding or developing retinal detachment.
  • Which babies are at risk? Who should be screened?
The criteria for screening babies are based on two critical factors – the birth weight and the gestational age. In general infants with birth weight less than 1700 grams and gestational age below 34 weeks need screening.
  • When should screening be done? How frequently should the child be examined?
As a rule of thumb 1st screening should be over by Day 30 of baby's life. Very small babies (Weight < 1200 grams or < 24 weeks age) need to be screened within 2 weeks. Depending on the stage of the disease immediate treatment or repeat exams may be required.
  • What is the treatment for ROP?
Treatment is in the form of Retinal Lasers and surgery if Retinal detachment develops.

Krishna Eye Centre provides best treatment for your child.....

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Thursday, 2 October 2014

Best and Effective Solution for Your Dry Eye Problem in Mumbai

dry eye
Very often we find our eyes turning red, watery and heavy by the end of the day. This is frequently associated with headaches, neck strains and backaches. The eyes might feel gritty almost as if some sand has fallen into them. It becomes difficult to look at bright lights. One can find it difficult to focus and concentrate while working on computers and reading. Doubling of vision can further make one miserable.

Between the eyelids and the eye surface (the conjunctiva and the cornea) there is a coupling fluid called the ocular surface providing lubrication, nutrition and protection.
In a number of conditions this tear film becomes deficient. Either not enough natural tears are being produced by the eye or the tears are evaporating more than required or both these issues are coexisting leading to a severe imbalance in the tear cycle.

Tear are secreted by the lacrimal glad and several small glands in our eyelid.
Inflammatory conditions of the lids such as crusting, dandruff or blockage of the minute lid gland ductules with lipids or pus, and eye lid deformities that do not allow the lids to close well can lead to tear deficiency. 
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
Blepharitis : Crust seen at lid margin

Acute and Chronic inflammations of the lacrimal glands severely reduce tear production as damage to the glandular tissue reduces its capability to secrete tears. Allergies and skin acne can also contribute to decreased tear production.
Normally we blink about 16 times a minute without our knowledge, this blink rate decreases during any act of concentration such as reading or working on computers leading to evaporation of the tear film. Air conditioners with strong air blowers accelerate evaporation.
Very hot and dusty environment also contribute to allergy which leads to dry eyes.
Contact lens wear and certain eye surgeries like LASIK can lead to reversible dry eyes.
Vitamin A deficiency and certain drugs can reduce tear production.

A visit to the eye doctor / ophthalmologist will help come to the right diagnosis.

Some special simple tests like :
    dry eye

    dry eye

  • TEAR FILM BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYSIS in selective cases might be required.
The ophthalmologist will prescribe certain eye drops and tablets.
Special type of eye wear / frames might be suggested.
Warm compresses, lid hygiene and eye exercises might need to be done on a regular basis.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a group of eye and vision related problems caused due to excessive, uninterrupted focusing of the eye on the computer screen or smart phones for an extended period of time.

Eye strain, Headache, dry eyes and Difficulty in focussing on to objects. Burning, stinging and increased sensitivity to light.

Uncorrected refractive errors like Myopia, Hypermetropia and Presbyopia are to be corrected with help of glasses, contact lenses or Lasik. Computer glasses are designed to give maximum vision at 20 to 28 inches, this is the distance at which the computer screen is normally placed, and this is not the same as reading glasses which work best at 14 to 16 inches distance from the eye.
Anti reflective coating on the spectacle glasses and computer glare screens filter and reduce the glare from the computer screens.
Frequent blinking keeps the eyes lubricated and looking away from the computer screen at 20 minutes intervals relaxes the eye muscles thus reducing eye strain.
The computer screen should be below the eye level, the viewing angle of the monitor should be 20 degrees below eye level, the reading material should be above the keyboard below the monitor to minimise discomfort while typing, the arms, back and neck should be positioned comfortably to avoid strain.
Use of lubricating eye drops is recommended to computer users to reduce dry eyes.
The room should have good lighting but not too much brighter as this can add to the glare off the computer screen.

If you’re one of 100 million people who suffer daily from dry eyes, The Krishna Eye Centre, Mumbai offers comfort and relief with a variety of treatment options. People who suffer from dry eyes include those who : 
  • Wear contact lenses, especially for prolonged periods of time
  • Are taking medications such as antihistamines or birth control pills
  • Are over 50, especially women going through menopause
  • Have specific diseases such as Sjogren’s Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and collagen vascular disease
  • Have eyelids that don’t close properly due to structural abnormalities  
  • Live in dry climates
You don’t have to suffer from dry eyes any more. Ask our eye doctor for getting proper treatment at affordable cost.

contact us


Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis or LASIK is an outpatient surgical procedure used to correct refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. With micro-surgical equipments and laser, the cornea is reshaped so that the rays of the light are focused on the retina. Lasik reduces the dependence on glasses and contact lenses and offers true spectacle freedom. It is an outpatient surgical procedure done under topical anaesthesia. The entire procedure takes about 7 to 8 minutes per eye.

Can Lasik Be Done On Everyone?

Anyone who is over 18 years of age and has had a stable glasses prescription for over 12 months can undergo LASIK. The eye should not have any eye disease or eye injury and its complications. One should have realistic expectations.
There are however some very stringent patient selection criteria that one has to adhere to, in-order to give good results. The doctor is the best judge to select the patient for this procedure.

What Are The Special Eye Tests Required?

Corneal Topography & Aberrometry:

This test evaluates the corneal curvature or shape of the cornea and other refractive parameters of the eye. People with conical cornea are not fit for LASIK.

Corneal Pachymetry:

An optimal corneal thickness measured in microns is important fro LASIK as very thin sufficient tissue available to reshape the cornea and eliminate the eye power during surgery. Also very thin cornea can have problems after the surgery.


Patient with retinal disease might need to get the disease treated before surgery. Several people with high minus powers have retinal weakness and fraying of peripheral retina which can be darned before Lasik.


Patients with dry eyes and squint and those who have poor color contrast might require additional management apart from LASIK to get best visual outcome.

Types of Lasik

  • Conventional LASIK or Blade LASIK in which a flap is created be an instrument called microkeratome then lifted and the bed below the flap is lasered. This type of LASIK is suitable in almost 90% of eyes.
  • Femto second LASIK is the bladeless Lasik; the flap is created by the laser itself.
  • Sometimes a Lenticule is cut out in the stroma of the cornea by the laser and sliped out of a small opening this is called Relex Smile. The advantage here is that eyes with thinner cornea can undergo this procedure and healing time is shorter.

Side Effects

Side effects are few, but people may experience discomfort or pain, blurry vision, dryness, glare and haloes around lights. There may be a red patch on the white of the eye, which may persist for a few days. Fluctuation in vision and the quality of vision may vary for some time. Vision may take up to 3 months to stabilize in some cases. Flap related complication and infection are rare.


Does LASIK hurt?

LASIK is a painless procedure done under eye drop anaesthesia. One may fell slight pressure on the eye during the flap creation.

How long does it take to do a LASIK?

The actual procedure takes about 10 minutes; the laser itself takes only 20-50 seconds to correct the vision.

When can one resume normal activities?

Visual recovery takes from one day to a week. Majority of patients resume normal activities one to two days after surgery. Complete stabilization can take up to 2-3 months.

When should one stop wearing contact lenses?

Contact lens wearer should discontinue lenses at least a week before the procedure to allow the cornea to take its normal shape before the surgery for the best surgical outcome.

What is vision like after LASIK?

It is important to have realistic expectations. Over 98% of people achieve 6/6 to 6/9 vision without glasses or contact lenses. LASIK corrected vision is permanent however if refractive error is under corrected the result can be fine tuned by a second surgery called enhancement. People beyond 40 years of age can also undergo LASIK for distance vision but will need glasses for reading after surgery.
Those patients who are keen to be spectacle free but unfortunately do not qualify for LASIK can opt for other surgical procedure like Implantable Collamer Lens / Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) or Refractive Lens Exchange surgeries. Kindly contact us to know more about these procedures.

Doctors in Krishna Eye Centre Provides high quality treatment for all eye problems like cataract surgery / cataract treatment, glaucoma, refractive errors, diabetic retinopathy, squint, lazy eye etc.

For getting Spectacle Free Vision without pain, Contact US.

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Monday, 16 June 2014

High Quality Customized Spectacles Through i.Scription Technology, Mumbai

As we grow older, our bodies undergo changes and eyes are no exception. Diminishing vision is one of the major handicaps as we age. Many people don't seek medical attention because of negligence and ignorance. Some take it as a part of ageing and resign themselves to fate. This is unfortunate since most of the eye problems can be prevented or corrected if detected on time. Periodic eye examinations are an important part of good preventive eye care.

When we look at any object, light rays pass from the object through the transparent cornea and the clear lens to strike the retina then relays the image to the brain through a set of wires called as optic nerve.

When light rays from a distant object do not come to a focus on the retina, the image of the object appears blurred and the condition is called Ammetropia.

When the size of the eyeball is longer than normal, these light rays are focused in front of the retina. This is myopia or short sightedness. This can be corrected by concave lenses as spectacles or contact lenses.
When the size of the eyeball is shorter than normal, these light rays are focused behind the retina. This is hypermetropia or long sightedness. This can be corrected by convex lenses as spectacle or contact lenses.
A normal eye has spherical cornea in all its meridians. When the cornea is steeper or flatter in any of its axil, it gives rise to Astigmatism, This is corrected by cylindrical lenses as spectacles or toric contact lenses.

The normal eye works like an autofocus camera which can focus for distance and near. This is achieved by change of shape of the lens in the eye, directing the light rays onto the retina. But with age, the lens hardens and cannot change its shape as easily making it difficult to focus on small and close objects. Presbyopia often starts around the age of 40 years and slowly worsens until the age of 60 years. This is easily treated with bifocal or multifocal (progressive) glasses, monofocal & bifocal contact lenses.

Many of us see flaring of the head lights of approaching cars in the night.

Bright light sources against a dark night time background can create visual problems: light cones, reflection, mirror images, limited vision, low contrasts and overall adverse visual conditions that irritate and fatigue the eyes and the overall sensory system.
These factors increase the risk of road traffic accidents; they also have a negative impact on the quality of life of the people. They may have a difficult time driving at night, and even be unable to enjoy night time outdoor activities.

Apart from the spherical and cylindrical eye power many of us have some hidden powers named Higher Order Aberrations (HOA) that also determine the clarity of our vision. These hidden powers are detected by aberrometry. To enhance your vision and your life Zeiss Customized i.Scription lenses will solve your problem so that your eyes enjoy clearer, criper more relaxed vision even at night and in low light conditions.
Every eye is as unique as every human fingerprint. In addition to the typical vision condition, i.e. near or far sightedness, an examination with i.Profiler Plus also analyse the individual eye profile. i.Profiler Plus is an instrument designed to determine the exact “fingerprint” of your eyes. This makes it possible for your Doctor to create ZEISS customized lenses with i.Scription to deliver your best vision possible.
As we are going for customized lenses with i.Scription technology frame and eye measurement are also to be considered. To get that percision, we use the most leading edge digital centration system called i.Terminal.

With pinpoint precision, i.Terminal determines the centration parameters required for accurate frame fitting on the face enabling perfect vision. The measuring process, photo capture and the processing of the data are all done in a matter of seconds.

In Takes about 3-5 working days to deliver these customized i.Scription Glasses from the date of order.

Krishna Eye Centre, Mumbai provides high quality & effective customized spectacles through i.Scription technology at affordable rate.

Friday, 28 February 2014

Free Glaucoma Consultation From March 9 to 15

Are you above age of 40? a diabetes patient with sinus pain? Are you from a family with the history of glaucoma? Do you see rainbow halos around light rays? Severe eye pain & redness in eyes irritates you? If anyone of the answer is yes, this is the time to have an eye checkup. It may be the eye diseases Glaucoma.

KrishnaEye Centre, Mumbai on this World Glaucoma Week (March 9-15) offers you Free Glaucoma Consultation at Krishna Eye Centre, Mumbai. Consultation is free only for prior appointments. 
Eye is the precious organ of our body. Why to take a chance when you have all the facilities out there to help you?! Do you know that glaucoma can even lead to permanent blindness?!! Don't be careless about your vision. Without which your life will be colourless. 

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in this world affected to our optic nerves. Around two percentage of the population suffer from this eye disorder. The patient may feel that his vision is absolutely normal because it first affects the top, sides & bottom areas of vision and finally the central vision is affected. 

Glaucoma is discovered during routine eye examination. The tests used to diagnose and monitor progression of Glaucoma include.
5 factors should be checked before making a glaucoma diagnosis :
  • Inner eye pressure
  • Shape and color of the optic nerve
  • Complete field of vision
  • Angle in the eye where the iris meets the cornea
  • Thickness of the cornea


  • Cloudy or haloed vision
  • Severe eye and head pain
  • Vomiting
  • Sudden sight loss
  • Light sensitivity
  • Excessive blinking
  • One eye becoming larger than the other
  • Excessive tearing
  • Decreased vision

KrishnaEye Centre is an Ophthalmic arm of Global hospital which is the chain of specialized hospitals across India. We provide advanced high quality cure like LASIK surgery with 100 percentage success. Highly experienced & qualified surgeons from Krishna Eye Centre perform both bladeless & conventional LASIK with short, safe and pain free procedure. Krishna Eye Centre has conducted several eye check up camps and free surgeries for the under privileged people.

Take a Free Glaucoma Consultation from the best eye care clinic in the country & enjoy with your vital eyes.

Take an appointment for free Glaucoma consultation. If you have any doubts contact us.

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